Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority has been established as the devolved body to allow for the transfer of powers and funding from national to local government to address issues that affect Hull and East Yorkshire as a whole. Devolution is important because it makes sure that decisions are made closer to the local people, communities and businesses they affect. It enables the unitary councils of Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council to work together across the Hull and East Yorkshire area to deliver both services that have been delegated by national government to the area, and services that the two constituent councils consider can be better delivered together.
The aim is to encourage greater growth and stronger partnerships between public, private and community leaders in local areas.
Following a period of statutory consultation between 2 January 2024 and 27 February 2024 and the subsequent submission of the Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority proposal, the Authority formally came into existence on 5 February 2025 and is a legally recognised, single body applying money and powers delegated to it to invest in ways that will help make Hull and East Yorkshire a better place to -
- live
- work
- do business
Our website has information on the work we are doing to -
- grow the economy
- deliver strategies and projects
- attract funding and investment
Featured news
Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority to begin work
The long-awaited Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority can now officially begin its work after the final steps were taken by the Government to create the new body.