Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority to begin work
The long-awaited Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority can now officially begin its work after the final steps were taken by the Government to create the new body.
Leaders agree Capital Programme funding
£24.6 million of funding secured as part of Hull and East Yorkshire’s devolution deal is in line to be spent on key projects.
Skills board to support Hull and East Yorkshire devolution gets to work
HEY Skills Board to develop an ambitious skills strategy for Hull and East Yorkshire.
Hull and East Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to be created
Government lays order to allow for formation of Hull and East Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
Business leaders to champion local economy as devolution moves one step closer
The economic boost to be delivered by devolution has moved another step closer as council leaders have brought 22 business leaders together to form Hull and East Yorkshire’s new Business Board.
Leaders welcome news of devolution deal sign off
Leaders of Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council welcome the news that creation of Hull and East Yorkshire’s Mayoral Combined Authority has been signed off by the government.
Full Council approves final draft Order for Hull and East Yorkshire Devolution
At the Full Council meeting of Hull City Council yesterday, approval was given to present before Parliament a final draft Order for the creation of Hull and East Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority.
Full Councils to consider next stage in devolution proposals
Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire councils will decide in the coming weeks on whether to move forward to the next stage of regional devolution.
Hull and East Yorkshire Devolution proposal to be submitted to Secretary of State
Hull and East Riding Unitary Leaders Board has today approved the submission of Hull and East Yorkshire’s Devolution Proposal to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
Devolution: Consultation results announced
The findings of the public consultation for the Hull and East Yorkshire devolution proposal have been welcomed by the leaders of both councils.